BART Subcommand Syntax and Examples v2.6

This section briefly describes each BART subcommand and provides an example.

Invoking BART

BART subcommands are invoked at the Linux command line as a BART user. You can invoke the bart program (located in the <BART_HOME>/bin directory) with the desired options to manage your BART installation.

The following examples demonstrate ways of invoking BART. In these examples, the BART user account is named bartuser.

$ su bartuser
$ export

To run BART from any current working directory:

$ su bartuser
$ export

Syntax for invoking BART

bart [ <general_option> ]... [ <subcommand> ] [<subcommand_option>]...

You can use either abbreviated or long option forms on the command line (for example -h or --help).

General Options

You can specify the following general options with bart.

-h or (--help)

  • Displays general syntax and information about BART usage.
  • All subcommands support a help option (-h, --help). If the help option is specified, information is displayed regarding that particular subcommand. The subcommand, itself, is not executed.

The following code sample displays the result of invoking the --help option for the BACKUP subcommand:

-bash-4.2$ bart BACKUP --help
bart: backup and recovery tool


-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-s, --server Name of the server or 'all' (full backups only) to specify all servers
-F, --format=p|t Backup output format (tar (default) or plain)
-z, --gzip Enables gzip compression of tar files
-c, --compress-level Specifies the compression level (1 through 9, 9 being
     best compression)
--backup-name Specify a friendly name for the current backup
--parent Specify parent backup for incremental backup
--check Verify checksum of required mbm files

-v (or --version)

The following code sample displays information returned by the bart --version subcommand:

[edb@localhost bin]$ bart --version
bart (EnterpriseDB) 2.5.2
[edb@localhost bin]$

-d (or --debug)

The following code sample displays debugging output returned by the bart MANAGE subcommand:

-bash-4.1$ bart -d MANAGE -n
DEBUG: Server: acctg, Now: 2015-04-17 16:34:03 EDT, RetentionWindow:
259200 (secs) ==> 72 hour(s)
DEBUG: Server: dev, Now: 2015-04-17 16:34:03 EDT, RetentionWindow:
1814400 (secs) ==> 504 hour(s)
DEBUG: Server: hr, Now: 2015-04-17 16:34:03 EDT, RetentionWindow:
7776000 (secs) ==> 2160 hour(s)

-c (or --config-path) <config_file_path>

The following code sample demonstrates using the -c option to specify a non-default configuration file name and installation location:

$ su bartuser
$ export
$ bart -c /home/bartuser/bart.cfg SHOW-SERVERS

backup check_config delete init manage restore show_servers show_backups verify_chksum running_the_bart_wal_scanner