Upgrading BART v2.6

This section outlines the process of upgrading BART from an existing version to the latest version.

Upgrade Restrictions

The following restrictions apply with regard to previous BART versions.

  • You can take incremental backups using the latest version only when the parent backup (full or incremental backup) has also been taken with the latest version.
  • Using the latest version, you can restore incremental backups that are taken only with the latest version of BART. However, using the latest version you can restore full backups that were taken with older versions.

Upgrading from Older Versions of BART

Perform the following steps to upgrade from older versions of BART to the latest version:

Step 1: Assume the identity of the BART user account and invoke the following command to stop the BART WAL scanner program (bart-scanner):

bart-scanner STOP

Step 2: As the root user, upgrade to the latest BART version with the yum upgrade command.

  • To upgrade the BART RPM package directly from the EDB Yum Repository website, specify only the package name:

    On CentOS 7:

    yum upgrade edb-bart

    You can also use a downloaded RPM package file to upgrade. To use a downloaded BART RPM package file to upgrade, use the yum command, specifying the complete RPM package file name:

    yum upgrade edb-bart-x.y.z rhel7.x86_64.rpm

    Where x denotes the major version of BART, and y and z denotes the minor version.

    On a Debian or Ubuntu Host:

    apt-get upgrade edb-bart

    On a SLES Host:

    zypper update edb-bart

Step 3: Repeat the process described in this section to upgrade to the latest BART version on each remote hosts where an incremental backup will be restored.

For additional information about restoration of incremental backups on remote hosts, see the EDB Backup and Recovery User Guide available at the EDB website.

Step 4: If the bart --version command returns an error stating the PATH is not available after switching from root user to another BART user account, adjust the setting of the PATH environment variable to include the location of the BART x.y.z (x denotes the major version of BART, and y and z denotes the minor version) executable (the bin subdirectory) in the ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile files of the following user accounts:

  • The BART user account on the BART host.
  • The remote user account on the remote host to which incremental backups are to be restored. For details, see the EDB Backup and Recovery User Guide available at the EDB website.

The PATH setting should be the same as set for BART x.y.z since all versions use /usr/edb/bart/bin.


After upgrading to the latest BART version, you must take a new full backup of your system before performing an incremental backup.