System catalog tables v15

The following system catalog tables contain definitions of database objects. The layout of the system tables is subject to change. If you're writing an application that depends on information stored in the system tables, use an existing catalog view or create a catalog view to isolate the application from changes to the system table.


dual is a single-row, single-column table that's provided only for compatibility with Oracle databases.

dummyVARCHAR2(1)Provided for compatibility only.


The edb_dir table contains one row for each alias that points to a directory created with the CREATE DIRECTORY command. A directory is an alias for a pathname that allows a user limited access to the host file system.

You can use a directory to fence a user into a specific directory tree in the file system. For example, the UTL_FILE package offers functions that allow a user to read and write files and directories in the host file system. However, it allows access only to paths that the database administrator has granted access to by way of a CREATE DIRECTORY command.

dirname"name"not nullThe name of the alias.
dirowneroidnot nullThe OID of the user that owns the alias.
dirpathtextThe directory name to which access is granted.
diraclaclitem[]The access control list that determines the users who can access the alias.


The edb_password_history table contains one row for each password change. The table is shared across all databases in a cluster.

passhistroleidoidpg_authid.oidThe ID of a role.
passhistpasswordtextRole password in md5 encrypted form.
passhistpasswordsetattimestamptzThe time the password was set.


The edb_policy table contains one row for each policy.

policynamenamenot nullThe policy name.
policygroupoidnot nullCurrently unused.
policyobjectoidnot nullThe OID of the table secured by this policy (the object_schema plus the object_name).
policykindcharnot nullThe kind of object secured by this policy: 'r' for a table, 'v' for a view, = for a synonym. Currently always 'r'.
policyprocoidnot nullThe OID of the policy function (function_schema plus policy_function).
policyinsertbooleannot nullTrue if the policy is enforced by INSERT statements.
policyselectbooleannot nullTrue if the policy is enforced by SELECT statements.
policydeletebooleannot nullTrue if the policy is enforced by DELETE statements.
policyupdatebooleannot nullTrue if the policy is enforced by UPDATE statements.
policyindexbooleannot nullCurrently unused.
policyenabledbooleannot nullTrue if the policy is enabled.
policyupdatecheckbooleannot nullTrue if rows updated by an UPDATE statement must satisfy the policy.
policystaticbooleannot nullCurrently unused.
policytypeintegernot nullCurrently unused.
policyoptsintegernot nullCurrently unused.
policyseccolsint2vectornot nullThe column numbers for columns listed in sec_relevant_cols.


The edb_profile table stores information about the available profiles. edb_profiles is shared across all databases in a cluster.

oidoidRow identifier (hidden attribute. Must be explicitly selected).
prfnamenameThe name of the profile.
prffailedloginattemptsintegerThe number of failed login attempts allowed by the profile. -1 indicates to use the value from the default profile. -2 indicates no limit on failed login attempts.
prfpasswordlocktimeintegerThe password lock time associated with the profile, in seconds. -1 indicates to use the value from the default profile. -2 indicates to lock the account permanently.
prfpasswordlifetimeintegerThe password lifetime associated with the profile, in seconds. -1 indicates to use the value from the default profile. -2 indicates that the password never expires.
prfpasswordgracetimeintegerThe password grace time associated with the profile, in seconds. -1 indicates to use the value from the default profile. -2 indicates that the password never expires.
prfpasswordreusetimeintegerThe number of seconds that a user must wait before reusing a password. -1 indicates to use the value from the default profile. -2 indicates that the old passwords can never be reused.
prfpasswordreusemaxintegerThe number of password changes that have to occur before a password can be reused. -1 indicates to use the value from the default profile. -2 indicates that the old passwords can never be reused.
prfpasswordallowhashedintegerSpecifies whether an encrypted password is allowed for use. The possible values are true/on/yes/1, false/off/no/0, and DEFAULT.
prfpasswordverifyfuncdboidpg_database.oidThe OID of the database in which the password verify function exists.
prfpasswordverifyfuncoidpg_proc.oidThe OID of the password verify function associated with the profile.


The edb_variable table contains one row for each package level variable (each variable declared in a package).

varname"name"not nullThe name of the variable.
varpackageoidnot nullThe OID of the pg_namespace row that stores the package.
vartypeoidnot nullThe OID of the pg_type row that defines the type of the variable.
varaccess"char"not null+ if the variable is visible outside of the package. - if the variable is visible only in the package. Note: Public variables are declared in the package header. Private variables are declared in the package body.
varsrctextContains the source of the variable declaration, including any default value expressions for the variable.
varseqsmallintnot nullThe order in which the variable was declared in the package.


The pg_synonym table contains one row for each synonym created with the CREATE SYNONYM command or CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM command.

synname"name"not nullThe name of the synonym.
synnamespaceoidnot nullReplaces synowner. Contains the OID of the pg_namespace row where the synonym is stored.
synowneroidnot nullThe OID of the user that owns the synonym.
synobjschema"name"not nullThe schema in which the referenced object is defined.
synobjname"name"not nullThe name of the referenced object.
synlinktextThe optional name of the database link in which the referenced object is defined.


The product_component_version table contains information about feature compatibility. An application can query this table during installation or at runtime to verify that features used by the application are available with this deployment.

productcharacter varying (74)The name of the product.
versioncharacter varying (74)The version number of the product.
statuscharacter varying (74)The status of the release.