Installing Replication Server on an SLES Host v6.2

On SLES 12 x86_64

You can use the zypper package manager to install the xDB Replication Server on an SLES 12 host. zypper will attempt to satisfy package dependencies as it installs a package, but requires access to specific repositories that are not hosted at EnterpriseDB.

Before installing xDB, use the following commands to add EnterpriseDB repository configuration files to your SLES host:

zypper addrepo
zypper addrepo
zypper addrepo

Each command creates a repository configuration file in the /etc/zypp/repos.d directory. The files are named:

  • edbas96suse.repo
  • edbasdependencies.repo
  • edbastools.repo

After creating the repository configuration files, use the zypper refresh command to refresh the metadata on your SLES host to include the EnterpriseDB repositories:

/etc/zypp/repos.d # zypper refresh
Repository 'SLES12-12-0' is up to date.
Repository 'SLES12-Pool' is up to date.
Repository 'SLES12-Updates' is up to date.
Retrieving repository 'EDB Postgres Advanced Server 14 12 - x86_64' metadata -----------------------[\]
Authentication required for ''
User Name:
Retrieving repository 'EDB Postgres Advanced Server 14 12 - x86_64' metadata...................................[done]
Building repository 'EDB Postgres Advanced Server 14 12 - x86_64' cache..........................[done]
All repositories have been refreshed.

When prompted for a User Name and Password, provide your connection credentials for the EnterpriseDB repository. If you need credentials, visit the following website:

Before installing EDB Postgres Advanced Server or supporting components, you must also add SUSEConnect and the SUSE Package Hub extension to the SLES host, and register the host with SUSE, allowing access to SUSE repositories. Use the commands:

zypper install SUSEConnect
SUSEConnect -p PackageHub/12/x86_64
SUSEConnect -p sle-sdk/12/x86_64

For detailed information about registering a SUSE host, visit:

Then add the Java repository and update the repository metadata: Please note that only OpenJDK (version 1.8) is supported on SLES hosts of Java components. Before using an RPM installer to add Advanced Server or a supporting component that requires Java, use zypper to add supporting repository locations to your system.

Use the commands:

zypper addrepo ""
zypper addrepo ""
zypper refresh

When Replication Server is installed on a machine where Java is not present, the JDK is installed as part of the installation process. Since in this case the JDK was installed via Replication Server as its dependency, if you subsequently remove the JDK, Replication Server is also removed.

If Java 1.8 or greater exists before installing Replication Server, the installed Replication Server is not removed on removal of the JDK.

Then, you can use the zypper utility to install the xDB Replication Server components:

zypper install ppas-xdb*


Before starting the publication server and subscription server, the /etc/hosts file must contain an entry for the host name that associates it to the host IP address as shown by the following example where is the IP address and linux-dm8s is the host name:              linux-dm8s

On SLES 12 ppc64le

There are two steps to completing an installation:

  • Setting up the repository
  • Installing the package

For each step, you must be logged in as superuser.

# To log in as a superuser:
sudo su -

Before setting up the repository, you need to register with EDB. To receive credentials for the EDB repository, visit: Repository Access Request.

Setting up the Repository

Setting up the repository is a one time task. If you have already set up your repository, you do not need to perform these steps.

# Install the repository configuration and enter your EDB repository 
# credentials when prompted
zypper addrepo

# Install SUSEConnect to register the host with SUSE, allowing access to 
# SUSE repositories
zypper install SUSEConnect

# Register the host with SUSE, allowing access to SUSE repositories
# Replace 'REGISTRATION_CODE' and 'EMAIL' with your SUSE registration 
# information

# Activate the required SUSE modules 
SUSEConnect -p PackageHub/12.5/ppc64le
SUSEConnect -p sle-sdk/12.5/ppc64le

# Refresh the metadata
zypper refresh

Installing the Package

zypper -n install ppas-xdb

Initial configuration

Before using Replication Server, you must download and install JDBC drivers. See Installing a JDBC driver for details.