Post-Installation Host Environment v6.2

On Linux hosts where you installed xDB Replication Server with the graphical user interface or from the command line, you should now have a publication server daemon and a subscription server daemon running on your computer assuming you chose to install the publication server and subscription server components. If you installed the xDB RPM package, you must start the publication server and the subscription server based upon the instructions in Section Registering a Publication Server for the publication server and Registering a Subscription Server for the subscription server. On Windows systems, the publication server and subscription server run as services named Publication Service and Subscription Service.

The Postgres application menu contains a new item for the xDB Replication Console.


On some Linux systems, you may have to restart the server before you can see the xDB Replication Console choice in the application menu. If the xDB Replication Console choice is still unavailable in the application menu, it can be started by invoking the script XDB_HOME/bin/


For xDB Replication Server installed from an xDB RPM package, the xDB Replication Console is started by invoking the script XDB_HOME/bin/

The following files are created that you may need during the configuration process.

Table 3-2: Post-Installation Files

File NameLocationDescription
edb-repl.conf (Linux)/etcxDB Replication Configuration file
edb-repl.conf (Windows)XDB_HOME\etcxDB Replication Configuration file
edb-xdbpubserver (Linux)/etc/init.dStart, stop, or restart the publication server
edb-xdbpubserver.service (Linux)/usr/lib/systemd/systemStart, stop, or restart the publication server (CentOS 7, RHEL 7, Rocky Linux 8, AlmaLinux 8, RHEL 8)
edb-xdbsubserver (Linux)/etc/init.dStart, stop, or restart the subscription server
edb-xdbsubserver.service (Linux)/usr/lib/systemd/systemStart, stop, or restart the subscription server (CentOS 7, RHEL 7, Rocky Linux 8, AlmaLinux 8, RHEL 8)
xdb_pubserver.confXDB_HOME/etcPublication server configuration file
xdb_subserver.confXDB_HOME/etcSubscription server configuration file
xdbReplicationServer-xx.configXDB_HOME/etc/sysconfigxDB Startup Configuration file
pubserver.log (Linux)/var/log/xdb-x.xPublication server log file
pubserver.log (Windows)POSTGRES_HOME\.enterprisedb\xdb\x.xPublication server log file
subserver.log (Linux)/var/log/xdb-x.xSubscription server log file
subserver.log (Windows)POSTGRES_HOME\.enterprisedb\xdb\x.xSubscription server log file
edb-xdbpubserver.log (Linux)/var/log/edb/xdbpubserverPublication services startup log file
edb-xdbsubserver.log (Linux)/var/log/edb/xdbsubserverSubscription services startup log file
servers.xmlUSER_HOME/.enterprisedb/xdb/x.xServer login file

Post-Installation Files


XDB_HOME is the directory where xDB Replication Server is installed.


POSTGRES_HOME is the home directory of the postgres operating system account (enterprisedb for Advanced Server installed in Oracle compatible configuration mode).


The publication and subscription services startup log files (edb-xdbpubserver.log and edb-xdbsubserver.log) are not generated for Windows and Mac OS X operating systems.


USER_HOME is the home directory of the operating system account in use.


The xDB Replication Server version number is represented by x.x or by xx (for example 6.2 or 62).