Viewing Conflict History v6.2

Conflict history shows the following types of events that occurred during synchronization replication:

  • Uniqueness conflicts where two or more primary nodes attempted to insert a row with the same primary key value or unique column value.
  • Update/update conflicts where two or more primary nodes attempted to update the same column of the same row
  • Update/delete and delete/update conflicts where one primary node attempted to update a row that was deleted by another primary node.

See Section Conflict Resolution for more information on conflict resolution.


The conflict history can be viewed from the Publication node under any primary node in the multi-primary replication system. The history shows conflicts on all publication tables of all primary nodes that occurred during synchronization, and hence, the history appears the same regardless of the primary node under which it is viewed.


For uniqueness (insert/insert) conflicts the number of entries appearing under the Conflict History tab differs when the trigger-based method of synchronization replication is used as compared to the log-based method. If the trigger-based method is used, a single insert/insert conflict appears as two entries in the conflict history. Each entry differs in that the source and target database fields for the two conflicting primary nodes are interchanged. If the same conflict occurs when the log-based method is used, only one entry appears in the conflict history.

The following steps describe how to view the conflict history.

Step 1: Select any Publication node under a Database node representing a primary node. Tabs labeled General, Realtime Monitor, Replication History, and Conflict History appear.

Selecting a publication on which to view conflict history

Figure 6-56: Selecting a publication on which to view conflict history

Step 2: Click the Conflict History tab to show conflict history. Click Refresh to ensure all the conflicts are listed.

Conflict History tab

Figure 6-57: Conflict History tab

Step 3: Use the Conflict Display Criteria drop-down list to display only conflicts of the chosen status.

Selecting conflict history by status

Figure 6-58: Selecting conflict history by status

Step 4: Click the View Data link to show the details of a particular conflict.


The View Data link and Conflict Details window are available only for multi-primary replication systems configured with the trigger-based method of synchronization replication. There is no View Data link or Conflict Details window for multi-primary replication systems configured with the log-based method of synchronization replication.

Conflict Details window

Figure 6-59: Conflict Details window