Updating a Publication Database (updatepubdb) v6.2
The updatepubdb
command provides the ability to change the connection information for an existing publication database definition identified by its publication database ID.
-updatepubdb -repsvrfile pubsvrfile -pubdbid dbid -dbhost host -dbport port -dbuser user { -dbpassword encrypted_pwd | -dbpassfile pwdfile } [ -oraconnectiontype { sid | servicename } ] -database dbname [ -urloptions jdbc_url_parameters ] [ -nodepriority priority_level ]
The publication database definition to be updated is identified by the pubdbid
See Adding a Publication Database for details on the database connection information that must be supplied for a publication database definition for a single-master replication system. See sections Adding the Primary definition node and Creating Additional Primary nodes for a multi-master replication system.
The file containing the publication server login information.
The publication database ID of the publication database definition to be updated.
The IP address of the host on which the publication database server is running.
The port number on which the database server is listening for connections.
The publication database user name.
The password of the database user in encrypted form. See Encrypting Passwords for directions on using the encrypt command to generate an encrypted password.
The file containing the password of the database user in encrypted form.
if the Oracle system ID (SID) is used to identify the publication database in the database parameter. Specifyservicename
if the Oracle service name is used to identify the publication database in the database parameter.
For Oracle 12c, use the service name.
The Postgres or SQL Server database name, the Oracle SID, or the Oracle service name of the publication database.
Extended usage of JDBC URL parameters such as for support of SSL connectivity. (See Preparing Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Connections for information on SSL connectivity to the publication database.) Specification of the urloptions parameter completely replaces any existing JDBC URL parameters that may have previously been specified with this database. Omission of the urloptions parameter deletes any existing JDBC URL parameters that may have previously been specified with this database.
For MMR only: Integer value from 1 through 10 assigning the priority level to a primary node with 1 having the highest priority and 10 having the lowest priority.
In the following example, an existing publication database definition with publication database ID 1 is updated.
$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -updatepubdb -repsvrfile ~/pubsvrfile.prop \ > -pubdbid 1 \ > -dbhost -dbport 1521 \ > -dbuser pubuser -dbpassfile ~/pwdfile \ > -oraconnectiontype sid \ > -database xe Updating publication database ... Publication database with ID 1 is updated successfully.