Validating a Publication (validatepub) v6.2

The validatepub command checks if any of the definitions of the tables in the given publication have changed since the publication was created.


-validatepub pubname
  –repsvrfile pubsvrfile
  -repgrouptype { m | s }

See Validating a Publication for additional information on validating publications.



The name of the publication whose tables are to be validated.


T he file containing the publication server login information.


Specify s if this command applies to a single-master replication system. Specify m if this command applies to a multi-master replication system.


In the following example, publication dept_emp is validated.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -validatepub dept_emp \
>   -repsvrfile ~/pubsvrfile.prop -repgrouptype s
Validating publication dept_emp ...
All schema of published tables in Publication {0} are up-to-date