Registering a subscription server v7

When you register a subscription server, you're identifying the network location, admin user name, and password of a specific, running, subscription server instance that you want to use to manage all aspects of the subscriptions you create subordinate to it.

It's important that you record the login information for the subscription server. You must always use this same subscription server instance to manage all subscriptions created subordinate to it as represented in the Replication Server console replication tree.

Step 1: Start the subscription server if it's not already running. Repeat the same process as in Step 1 of Registering a publication server.


If you're using Oracle publication or subscription databases and the subscription server wasn't restarted after copying the Oracle JDBC driver to the lib/jdbc subdirectory of your Replication Server installation, restart the subscription server.

For Linux only: Use the systemctl command for CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 and Rocky Linux 8 or AlmaLinux 8 or RHEL 8, and the service command for previous Linux versions to start, stop, or restart edb-xdbsubserver for the subscription server. See Registering a Publication Server for information on how these commands are used.

For Windows only: Open Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Services. Use the Start or Restart link for the service named Subscription Service for Replication Server.

If the subscription server doesn't start, see Publication and subscription server startup failures.

Step 2: Register the subscription server. Open the Replication Server console from the system’s application menu. For Replication Server installed from a Replication Server RPM package, start the Replication Server console by invoking the script XDB_HOME/bin/

Step 3: Select the top-level Replication Servers node. Select File > Subscription Server > Register Server.

In the Register Subscription Server dialog box, enter the values you supplied during the Replication Server installation unless otherwise specified.

  • Host. Network IP address of the host running the subscription server. This is the network IP address used for sub_ipaddr in the pg_hba.conf file in Postgres server authentication. Don't use localhost for this field.
  • Port. Port number the subscription server is using. You can find the port number in the xdbReplicationServer-xx.config file. See Installation details for the location of the file.
  • User Name. Admin user name used to authenticate your use of this subscription server. You can find the user name in the edb-repl.conf file. See Installation details for the location of the file.
  • Password. Password of the admin user given in the User Name field.
  • Save login information. Select this box if you don't want to register the subscription server each time you open the Replication Server console. See Saving server login information for additional information on the advantages and disadvantages of saving server login information.

The user name and password combination you enter is authenticated against the admin user name and password in the Replication Server configuration file residing on the host with the IP address you enter in the Host field.

After you fill in the fields, select Register. A Subscription Server node appears in the replication tree of the Replication Server console.