Using Commvault Backup & Recovery

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How to backup and restore an EDB Database using Commvault Backup & Recovery.

Using Commvault Backup & Recovery

Commvault provides two methods of taking the backup from an EDB database and restoring it.

  1. DumpBasedBackupSet Backup and Restore
  2. FSBasedBackupSet Backup and Restore

At this time there is a known issue with FSBased Restore that does not allow for proper restoration of the database. See the known issues section of the guide for more information.

DumpBasedBackupSet Backup and Restore

Dump based backup uses the pg_dump Utility to take the backup.

Taking DumpBasedBackupSet Backup

  1. Open Commvault Backup & Recovery's Command Center and from the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    Instances Page

  2. Click on the required instance.

  3. In the Backup sets section, click on DumpBasedBackupSet backup set.

    Instances Page

  4. In the Database groups section, click the database group that you want to back up. In this case it is default.

    Select Database Group

  5. In the Backup section, click Back up now.

    Backup Section

  6. Select Full in the Select Backup Level screen.

    Backup Level Screen

  7. A Job will be created to take the backup.

    Backup Job

  8. Once the Backup Job is completed then its status will be changed to Completed.

    Backup Job

Restoring DumpBasedBackupSet Backup

DumpBased backupset can be used to restore the individual databases.

  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

  2. Click the instance that you want to restore.

  3. In the Recovery points calendar, select DumpBasedBackupSet.

    Recovery Points Calendar

  4. Select a date from the calendar, and then click Restore.

  5. The Backup Content screen will display the databases to be restored, select the required database to restore or select all of them to restore all.

    Backup Content Screen

  6. Click Restore.

  7. From the Restore Options screen, select the Destination Server and Destination Instance and click on submit.

    Restore Options Screen

  8. A Job will be created to restore the backup.

    Restore Job

    Restore Job

  9. Once the Restore is completed successfully, login to the EDB database and check that the restore operation recovered the data. In our example below we connected to an EDB Postgres Advanced Server instance.

edb=# \l
                                                           List of databases
    Name     |    Owner     | Encoding |          Collate           |           Ctype            | ICU |       Access privileges
 edb         | enterprisedb | UTF8     | English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252 |     |
 epas13_test | enterprisedb | UTF8     | English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252 |     |
 postgres    | enterprisedb | UTF8     | English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252 |     |
 template0   | enterprisedb | UTF8     | English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252 |     | =c/enterprisedb              +
             |              |          |                            |                            |     | enterprisedb=CTc/enterprisedb
 template1   | enterprisedb | UTF8     | English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252 |     | =c/enterprisedb              +
             |              |          |                            |                            |     | enterprisedb=CTc/enterprisedb
(5 rows)

edb=# \c epas13_test
You are now connected to database "epas13_test" as user "enterprisedb".
epas13_test=# \dt
                List of relations
 Schema |       Name       | Type  |    Owner
 public | tp_department_db | table | enterprisedb
 public | tp_sales_db      | table | enterprisedb
(2 rows)

epas13_test=# select * from  tp_department_db;
 deptno |    dname    | location
     10 | Development | Pakistan
     20 | Testing     | Pakistan
     30 | CM          | Pakistan
     40 | Marketing   | India
(4 rows)

epas13_test=# select * from  tp_sales_db;
 salesman_id | salesman_name | sales_region | sales_amount | deptno
         100 | Person 1      | CITY 1       |            1 |     10
         110 | Person 2      | CITY 2       |            2 |     20
         120 | Person 3      | CITY 3       |            3 |     30
         130 | Person 4      | CITY 4       |        10000 |     40
(4 rows)

epas13_test=# select * from v1;
 dept_no |  dept_name  | sales_no | sales_name | sales_salary | sales_dept_no
      10 | Development |      100 | Person 1   |            1 |            10
      20 | Testing     |      110 | Person 2   |            2 |            20
      30 | CM          |      120 | Person 3   |            3 |            30
      40 | Marketing   |      130 | Person 4   |        10000 |            40
(4 rows)

epas13_test=# desc  tp_sales_db;
                                 Table "public.tp_sales_db"
    Column     |         Type          | Collation | Nullable |           Default
 salesman_id   | integer               |           |          |
 salesman_name | character varying(30) |           |          |
 sales_region  | character varying(30) |           |          |
 sales_amount  | integer               |           |          | nextval('sal_seq'::regclass)
 deptno        | integer               |           |          |
    "lower_reg_idx" btree (lower(sales_region::text))
    "reg1_idx" btree (salesman_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "department_employee_fk" FOREIGN KEY (deptno) REFERENCES tp_department_db(deptno)


Known Issues

FSBaseBackupSet Restore has an issue if the default edb directory (for example, *:\Program files\edb) has been lost or deleted. If this occurs then after a restore is performed, the permissions on the restored directories are not recovered. Instead the directory inherits the permissions from the parent directory which does not allow EDB Postgres Advanced Server services to start on the restored directory. We are working with Commvault to resolve the issue.

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