Managing SSL certificates v9

PEM uses self-signed SSL certificates:

Web-server certificates

PEM uses self-signed SSL certificates for the Apache httpd server. The self-signed SSL certificate and key files for the Apache httpd server are generated during PEM installation.

To use your own SSL certificate for PEM, update the Apache HTTP configuration file edb-ssl-pem.conf.

Update these two SSL directives in the PEM VirtualHost section:

  • SSLCertificateFile is your certificate file, for example, your_domain_name.crt.
  • SSLCertificateKeyFile is the .key file generated when you created the certificate signing request (CSR), for example, your_private.key.

For example, make the following updates:

# Change the server name and file names in the configuration file to 
# match your certificate files.
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/your_domain_name.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/your_private.key

To increase security, you can replace the httpd self-signed SSL certificates with trusted CA signed certificates in PEM. For more information, see Replacing httpd self-signed SSL certificates.

PEM backend database server and agent connection certificates

By default, PEM implements secured SSL/TLS connections between PEM agents and the backend database. It also acts as its own certificate authority (CA) to generate certificates and keys for the PEM server and agent. The self-signed SSL certificates and keys for the PEM server and agent are generated during PEM installation. These certificates and keys encrypt the connection from agent to server. In addition, PEM agents are authenticated using their certificate rather than a password.

You can replace the PEM self-signed SSL certificates and keys with the trusted CA certificates and keys. For more information, see Trusted CA certificates and keys.

How PEM self-signed SSL certificates work

The PEM server configuration script generates self-signed SSL certificate and key files for the PEM backend database server. The backend database server uses these certificates and keys to authenticate and encrypt the agent connections. Each certificate has an expiry date. Regenerate the certificates when they near expiration. For more information, see Regenerating server self-signed SSL certificates.

The PEM agent connects to the PEM backend database server using the libpq interface, acting as a client of the backend database server. The agent self-signed SSL certificates and keys get generated during agent registration. PEM agent establishes the connection with the PEM backend database server using the self-signed SSL certificate and key files.

Each agent has a unique identifier, and the agent certificates and keys have the corresponding identifier. Each certificate has an expiry date. Regenerate the certificates when they near expiration. For more information, see Regenerating agent self-signed SSL certificates.

If required, you can use the same certificate for all agents rather than one certificate per agent. For more information, see Generate common agent certificate and key pair.

For more information on using the SSL certificates to connect in Postgres, see Securing TCP/IP connections with SSL.

Certificate and key files generation

The PEM server generates the certificates and key files in the data directory of the backend database server:

  • ca_certificate.crt
  • ca_key.key
  • root.crt
  • root.crl
  • server.crt
  • server.key

The ca_certificate.crt and ca_key.key files are used during the agent registration process to generate the agent's SSL certificates and key files.

The root.crt file is a copy of the ca_certificate.crt file. You use the root certificate for the backend database server by setting the ssl_ca_file parameter as root.crt in the postgresql.conf file.

The root.crl has the certificate revocation list (CRL) of digital certificates revoked by the issuing CA before their actual or assigned expiration date.

The server.crt file is the signed certificate for the PEM server, and the server.key file is the private key to the certificate. The PEM agent certificates are generated using these server certificate and key files.

PEM self-signed SSL certificate renewal

The PEM agent installed with the PEM server monitors the expiration date of the ca_certificate.crt file. When the certificate is about to expire, PEM:

  • Makes a backup of the existing certificate files
  • Creates new certificate files and appends the new CA certificate file to the root.crt file on the PEM server
  • Creates a job to renew the certificate file of any active agents
  • Restarts the PEM server

Generate a common agent certificate and key pair

By creating and using a single Postgres user for all PEM agents rather than one user per agent (the default), you can use the same certificate for all agents.

Create a user, generate an agent certificate and key pair, and use them for all PEM agents.

  1. Create one common agent user in the PEM backend database. Grant the pem_agent role to the user.

    # Running as enterprisedb
    psql -p 5444 -U enterprisedb -d pem
    CREATE USER pem_agent_common_user;
    GRANT pem_agent TO pem_agent_common_user;
  2. Generate an agent key:

    # Running as root
    openssl genrsa -out agent.key 4096 
  3. Generate a CSR for the agent:

    openssl req -new -key agent.key -out agent.csr -subj '/C=IN/ST=MH/L=Pune/O=PEM/CN=<agent_user>'

    Where -subj is provided as per your requirements.

  4. Use the openssl x509 command to sign the CSR and generate an agent certificate:

    openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in agent.csr -CA ca_certificate.crt -CAkey ca_key.key -CAcreateserial -out agent.crt
  5. Change the permissions on the agent.crt and agent.key file:

    chmod 600 agent.crt agent.key
  6. Use this agent certificate and key pair:

    • For registering the new PEM agent from the remote host to the PEM server.

      a. Copy the agent certificate and key pair to the remote agent host and register the agent:

      export PEM_SERVER_PASSWORD=edb
      /usr/edb/pem/agent/bin/pemworker --register-agent \
      --pem-server \
      --pem-user enterprisedb \
      --pem-port 5444 \
      --pem-agent-user pem_agent_common_user \
      -o agent_ssl_crt= agent.crt \
      -o agent_ssl_key= agent.key

      b. Enable and start the pemagent services:

      systemctl enable pemagent
      systemctl start pemagent
    • To replace the agent certificate and key pair with the registered agent.

      a. Edit the agent_user, agent_ssl_key, and agent_ssl_crt parameters in agent.cfg file of the agent host:

      vi /usr/edb/pem/agent/etc/agent.cfg
      # Edit the agent username
      # Edit the ssl parameters with new certificate and key file location

      b. Restart the pemagent service:

      systemctl restart pemagent

Use certificates and keys signed by trusted CA

Replace the PEM self-signed SSL certificates and keys with certificates and keys signed by a trusted CA.

After obtaining the trusted CA certificates and keys, replace the server and agent certificates and keys.

Replace the self-signed server SSL certificates with the certificates signed by the trusted CA

  1. Back up the old server certificate and key files:

    # Running as root
    mkdir /var/lib/edb/as<x>/data/certs
    cd /var/lib/edb/as<x>/data/
    mv server.* root.* ca_* /var/lib/edb/as<x>/data/certs
  2. Generate a private key for the server:

    openssl genrsa -out server.key 4096 
  3. Generate a CSR for the server:

    openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr -subj '/C=IN/ST=MH/L=Pune/O=EDB/CN=PEM'

    Where -subj is provided as per your requirements. We recommend using the hostname or domain qualified full name of the PEM server host for CN.

  4. Obtain the CA certificate (trusted_ca.crt) from a trusted CA.

  5. Ask your CA to sign the CSR and generate the server certificate for you.

  6. Verify the details of the new server certificate aren't tampered with and match your provided details:

    openssl x509 -noout -text -in server.crt
  7. Use the new certificate obtained from the CA as the root.crt file:

    cp trusted_ca.crt root.crt
  8. If the trusted CA doesn't provide CRL, disable CRL usage by the server. To disable the CRL usage, comment the ssl_crl_file parameter in the postgresql.conf file.


    If you accidentally leave a CRL from a previous CA in place and do not comment out ssl_crl_file, the server will start but authentication will fail with an SSL error message tlsv1 alert unknown ca. The error doesn't specify that the CRL is the cause, so this can be difficult to debug if encountered out of context.

  9. Copy the new root.crt, server.key, and server.crt files to the data directory of the backend database server:

    cp root.crt server.key server.crt /var/lib/edb/as<x>/data
  10. Change the owner and permissions of the new certificates and key files to be the same as the data directory:

    cd /var/lib/edb/as<x>/data/
    chown enterprisedb server.* root.crt ca_certificate.crt
    chmod 600 server.* root.crt ca_certificate.crt

    Don't restart the PEM server now. If you restart the PEM server, all the registered agents will stop working.

  11. Replace each PEM agent SSL certificates with the trusted CA certificates. For more information, see these instructions.

  12. Restart the PEM server.

    • On Linux:
    # Running as root
    systemctl start edb-as-<x>

    Restarting the backend database server restarts the PEM server.

Replace the self-signed agent SSL certificates with the certificates signed by the trusted CA

Replace the self-signed agent SSL certificates only after replacing the self-signed server certificates server.crt and server.key and CA certificate root.crt.

  1. Use psql to find all the agent identifiers (IDs) needed to replace the SSL certificates:

    psql -U enterprisedb -d pem --no-psqlrc -t -A -c "SELECT id FROM pem.agent WHERE active=true"
  2. After identifying the agents that need key files, generate an agent<ID>.key for each agent:

    openssl genrsa -out agent<ID>.key 4096 

    Where <ID> is the agent identifier.

  3. Generate a CSR for each agent:

    openssl req -new -key agent<ID>.key -out agent<ID>.csr -subj '/C=IN/ST=MH/L=Pune/O=PEM/CN=agent<ID>'

    Where -subj is provided as per your requirements. Replace <ID> in CN with an appropriate agent identifier.


    If you prefer to use a single certificate for all PEM agents rather than one per agent, create a common Postgres user and supply this username in place of ID. See Generate a common agent certificate and key pair.

  4. Ask your CA to sign the CSR and generate the agent certificate for you.

  5. Copy the certificate and key files on the respective hosts, where <ID> matches the agent_id in the /usr/edb/pem/agent/etc/agent.cfg file.

  6. Change the ownership and permission on the new agent<ID>.crt and agent<ID>.key file:

    chown root agent<ID>.crt agent<ID>.key
    chmod 600 agent<ID>.crt agent<ID>.key
  7. Back up the old agent certificate and key file:

    # Running as root
    mkdir root/.pem/certs
    mv root/.pem/agent<ID>.* root/.pem/certs
  8. Replace each agent's certificate and key file with the newly generated files:

    cp agent<ID>.key agent<ID>.crt root/.pem
  9. Restart the PEM agent service.

    • On Linux:
    # Running as root
    systemctl restart pemagent
    • On Windows: Use the Services applet to restart the PEM agent. The PEM agent service is named Postgres Enterprise Manager Agent. Select the service name in the Services dialog box, and select Restart the service.

Testing certificates

If you experience authentication problems, you can use these tests to validate certificates.

Validate a certificate against the root certificate

To check whether a PEM agent certificate is trusted according to the server's root.crt, copy both certificates to the same machine. Then execute the following command:

openssl verify -verbose -CAfile root.crt  agent1.crt

This command returns agent1.crt: OK on success or an explanatory message on failure.

Make a test connection to the PEM backend database

To verify whether the agent user can connect using a certificate, on the server where the agent is located, execute the following commands as root:



<psql_path> -A -t -c "SELECT version()"


  • <psql_path> is the full path to the psql executable, for example /usr/edb/as15/bin/psql.
  • <pem_host> is the hostname or IP address of PEM server.
  • <pem_db_port> is the PEM backend database server port.
  • <ID> is the ID of the agent you're testing, as defined in the file /usr/edb/pem/agent/etc/agent.cfg.

If you used the instructions in Generate a common agent certificate and key pair you must set PGUSER to the common agent username.

If the connection succeeds, it returns the Postgres version of the database server. Success means that your certificate is valid and the Postgres user is correctly configured.

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