Subscription Overview v3.7

A subscription is the receiving side (or downstream) of the pglogical replication setup. Just like on the upstream, the subscription first needs local node to be created (see Nodes).

Subscription information


Apply statistics for each subscription. Only contains data if the tracking is enabled.

pglogical.stat_subscription Columns

sub_namenameName of the subscription
subidoidOid of the subscription
nconnectbigintNumber of times this subscription has connected upstream
ncommitbigintNumber of commits this subscription did
nabortbigintNumber of aborts writer did for this subscription
nerrorbigintNumber of errors writer has hit for this subscription
nskippedtxbigintNumber of transactions skipped by writer for this subscription (currently normally 0 for pgl subscription)
ninsertbigintNumber of inserts this subscription did
nupdatebigintNumber of updates this subscription did
ndeletebigintNumber of deletes this subscription did
ntruncatebigintNumber of truncates this subscription did
nddlbigintNumber of DDL operations this subscription has executed
ndeadlocksbigintNumber of errors that were caused by deadlocks
nretriesbigintNumber of retries the writer did (without going for full restart/reconnect)
shared_blks_hitbigintTotal number of shared block cache hits by the subscription
shared_blks_readbigintTotal number of shared blocks read by the subscription
shared_blks_dirtiedbigintTotal number of shared blocks dirtied by the subscription
shared_blks_writtenbigintTotal number of shared blocks written by the subscription
blk_read_timedouble precisionTotal time the subscription spent reading blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)
blk_write_timedouble precisionTotal time the subscription spent writing blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)
connect_timetimestamp with time zoneTime when the current upstream connection was established, NULL if not connected
last_disconnect_timetimestamp with time zoneTime when the last upstream connection was dropped
start_lsnpg_lsnLSN from which this subscription requested to start replication from the upstream
retries_at_same_lsnbigintNumber of attempts the subscription was restarted from the same LSN value
curr_ncommitbigintNumber of commits this subscription did after the current connection was established


Apply statistics for each relation. Only contains data if the tracking is enabled and something was replicated for a given relation.

pglogical.stat_relation Columns

nspnamenameName of the relation's schema
relnamenameName of the relation
relidoidOID of the relation
total_timedouble precisionTotal time spent processing replication for the relation
ninsertbigintNumber of inserts replicated for the relation
nupdatebigintNumber of updates replicated for the relation
ndeletebigintNumber of deletes replicated for the relation
ntruncatebigintNumber of truncates replicated for the relation
shared_blks_hitbigintTotal number of shared block cache hits for the relation
shared_blks_readbigintTotal number of shared blocks read for the relation
shared_blks_dirtiedbigintTotal number of shared blocks dirtied for the relation
shared_blks_writtenbigintTotal number of shared blocks written for the relation
blk_read_timedouble precisionTotal time spent reading blocks for the relation, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)
blk_write_timedouble precisionTotal time spent writing blocks for the relation, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)
lock_acquire_timedouble precisionTotal time spent acquiring locks on the relation (if pglogical.track_apply_lock_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)


Replication status view for each subscription. We consider replication to be blocked when the subscription has restarted from the same LSN at least twice and not a single transaction is yet applied after the current upstream connection was established. If the very first transaction after restart is very big and still being applied, the replication_blocked result maybe wrong.

pglogical.replication_status Columns

sub_namenameName of the subscription
connectedbooleanIs the subscription connected to the upstream?
replication_blockedbooleanIs the replication currently blocked?
connect_timetimestamp with time zoneTime when the current connection was established
disconnect_timetimestamp with time zoneTime when the last connection was dropped
uptimeintervalDuration since the current connection is active


An updated view of the synchronization locally. Columns include subscription ID, sync status and kind.


A function to bring the user information of the worker PID, role and subscription ID.

SQL interfaces


Creates a subscription from the current node to the provider node. Command does not block, just initiates the action.


pglogical.create_subscription (
    subscription_name name,
    provider_dsn text,
    replication_sets text[],
    synchronize_structure boolean,
    synchronize_data boolean,
    create_slot boolean,
    slot_name text,
    forward_origins text[],
    strip_origins boolean,
    num_writers int,
    apply_delay interval,
    writer name,
    writer_options text[]

The subscription_name is used as application_name by the replication connection. This means that it's visible in the pg_stat_replication monitoring view. It can also be used in synchronous_standby_names when pglogical is used as part of the synchronous replication setup.

Subscription setup is asynchronous. pglogical.create_subscription returns after creating the replication slot (unless create_slot is false) but before the subscription is synchronized and streaming. Use pglogical.wait_for_subscription_sync_complete to wait until the subscription is up and has completed any requested schema and/or data sync.

synchronize_structure internally uses pg_dump and pg_restore to copy schema definitions. If more than one upstream is being subscribed to, only use synchronize_data on the first one, because it cannot de-duplicate schema definitions.

synchronize_data internally uses COPY to unload and load the data from the provider.

If both synchronize_structure and synchronize_data are used, take care to create table definitions, then copy data, and only create indexes etc. at the end.

Note: An alternative to pglogical.create_subscription is the pglogical_create_subscriber tool, which takes a pg_basebackup or uses a pre-existing streaming replica of the provider node and converts it into a new logical replica. It's often much faster where network bandwidth is sufficient, but cannot filter the initial dump to exclude some databases/tables/etc.

Note: pglogical.create_subscription will appear to hang (it will wait indefinitely without returning) if the database pointed to by provider_dsn is on the same PostgreSQL instance as the subscriber and create_slot is true. This happens because the replication slot creation command on the provider waits for all transactions that were in-progress at the time it started to commit, but the transaction running pglogical.create_subscription cannot commit until after the create replication slot command returns, so the two deadlock. The PostgreSQL deadlock detector does not identify this condition as it is not a deadlock on heavyweight locks, and is not visible in the pg_locks view. To make this fairly uncommon use case work, manually create a logical replication slot for the pglogical subscription on the provider using the 'pglogical_output' output plugin, e.g.

SELECT pg_catalog.create_logical_replication_slot(
), 'pglogical_output');

then specify create_slot := false to pglogical.create_subscription(). You may alternately choose your own replication slot name instead of using gen_slot_name then pass it as the slot_name parameter to create_subscription.


  • subscription_name - name of the subscription; must be unique
  • provider_dsn - connection string to a provider
  • replication_sets - array of replication sets to subscribe to, these must already exist, default is "{default,ddl_sql}"
  • synchronize_structure - specifies if to synchronize structure from provider to the subscriber; default false
  • synchronize_data - specifies if to synchronize data from provider to the subscriber; default true
  • create_slot - set to false to suppress automatic creation of a logical replication slot on the provider in order to use a pre-created one; default true
  • slot_name - override the autogenerated replication slot name pglogical generates in order to supply your own; default is same as that generated by pglogical.pglogical_gen_slot_name()
  • forward_origins - array of replication origin names to forward. Currently the only supported values are: an empty array meaning don't forward any changes that didn't originate on provider node (this is useful for two-way replication between the nodes); or "{all}" which means replicate all changes no matter what is their origin. The default is "{all}"
  • apply_delay - how much to delay replication; default is 0 seconds. Mainly used for application testing, but also useful for delayed standbys.
  • forward_origins - array of origin names to forward; currently only supported values are empty array meaning don't forward any changes that didn't originate on provider node (this is useful for two-way replication between the nodes), or "{all}" which means replicate all changes no matter what is their origin; default is "{all}"
  • strip_origins - determines whether to remove origin names from forwarded data, making it look like the data originate from local node, and allowing to forward the data to a subscription in the same instance (default is "false" which keeps origin info). The negative effect is it makes it impossible to redirect the subscription to the first node.
  • num_writers - number of parallel writers for this subscription, -1 means the subscription will use the default as specified by the GUC pglogical.writers_per_subscription. Valid values are either -1 or a positive integer.
  • writer - which writer to use for writing the data from the replication stream. Only HeapWriter is supported in this version of PGLogical. local is an alias for backwards compatibility.
  • writer_options - writer-specific options as an array of keys and values


pglogical_create_subscriber isn't a SQL function, it's a standalone command that provides an alternative way to create a subscriber. By default it will take a pg_basebackup of the provider node and convert that into a pglogical subscriber.

This can be a lot faster than pglogical.create_subscription where network and disk bandwidth is sufficient. However, it cannot filter out individual tables or table subsets, and it copies all databases whether or not they are intended for use with pglogical. It does not respect replication sets for the initial data copy. Unlike pglogical.create_subscription, it copies indexes rather than rebuilding them on the subscriber side.

It may be necessary to specify a customized postgresql.conf and/or pg_hba.conf for the copied node. In particular, you must copy the provider's postgresql.conf and edit it to change the port if you plan on creating a subscriber on the same host, where the port number would otherwise conflict.

pglogical_create_subscriber may also be used to convert an existing, running streaming replica of the provider into a subscriber. This lets the user clone the provider using alternative methods like pg_start_backup(), rsync, and pg_stop_backup(), or from a SAN snapshot. This conversion is done automatically when the target data directory is non-empty and instead contains a suitable PostgreSQL streaming replica.


pglogical_create_subscriber [OPTION]...


General Options
  • -D, --pgdata=DIRECTORY - data directory to be used for new node; can be either empty/non-existing directory, or directory populated using pg_basebackup -X stream command
  • --databases - optional list of databases to replicate
  • -n, --subscriber-name=NAME - name of the newly created subscriber
  • --subscriber-dsn=CONNSTR - connection string to the newly created subscriber
  • --provider-dsn=CONNSTR - connection string to the provider
  • --replication-sets=SETS - comma separated list of replication set names
  • --apply-delay=DELAY - apply delay in seconds (by default 0)
  • --drop-slot-if-exists - drop replication slot of conflicting name
  • -s, --stop - stop the server once the initialization is done
  • -v - increase logging verbosity
  • --extra-basebackup-args - additional arguments to pass to pg_basebackup. Safe options: -T, -c, --xlogdir/--waldir
Configuration Files Override
  • --hba-conf - path to the new pg_hba.conf
  • --postgresql-conf - path to the new postgresql.conf

WARNING: pglogical will always overwrite the recovery.conf, this behavior will be fixed in the next release.


Disconnects the subscription and removes it from the catalog.


pglogical.drop_subscription (
    subscription_name name,
    ifexists bool


  • subscription_name - name of the existing subscription
  • ifexists - if true, error is not thrown when subscription does not exist; default is false


Disables a subscription and disconnects it from the provider.


pglogical.alter_subscription_disable (
    subscription_name name,
    immediate bool


  • subscription_name - name of the existing subscription
  • immediate - if true, the subscription is stopped immediately, otherwise it will be only stopped at the end of the current transaction; default is false


Enables disabled subscription.

pglogical.alter_subscription_enable(subscription_name name, immediate bool)


  • subscription_name - name of the existing subscription
  • immediate - if true, the subscription is started immediately, otherwise it will be only started at the end of current transaction; default is false


Changes the number of writers for a subscription.

pglogical.alter_subscription_num_writers(subscription_name name, num_writers int, immediate bool)


  • subscription_name - name of the existing subscription
  • num_writers - number of writers for this subscription, -1 means the subscription will use value set by pglogical.writers_per_subscription GUC
  • immediate - if true, the subscription is started immediately, otherwise it will be only started at the end of current transaction, default is false


Switch the subscription to use a different interface to connect to the provider node. This is how you change the address, port etc that a subscription uses when connecting to a provider.

See pglogical.alter_node_create_interface() for usage.


pglogical.alter_subscription_interface (
    subscription_name name,
    interface_name name


  • subscription_name - name of an existing subscription
  • interface_name - name of an existing interface of the current provider node


All unsynchronized tables in all sets are synchronized in a single operation.


pglogical.alter_subscription_synchronize (
    subscription_name name,
    truncate bool

Tables are copied and synchronized one by one. Command does not block, just initiates the action.

Use pglogical.wait_for_subscription_sync_complete('sub_name') to wait for the resynchronization to complete.


  • subscription_name - name of the existing subscription
  • truncate - if true, tables will be truncated before copy; default false


Asynchronously resynchronize one existing table.

WARNING: This function will truncate the table first. The table will be visibly empty to transactions between when the resync is scheduled and when it completes.

Use pglogical.wait_for_subscription_sync_complete('sub_name') to wait for all pending resynchronizations to complete, or pglogical.wait_for_table_sync_complete for just the named table.


pglogical.alter_subscription_resynchronize_table (
    subscription_name name,
    relation regclass


  • subscription_name - name of the existing subscription
  • relation - name of existing table, optionally qualified


Shows status and basic information about a subscription.

pglogical.show_subscription_status (subscription_name name)


  • subscription_name - optional name of the existing subscription, when no name was provided, the function will show status for all subscriptions on local node


Shows the synchronization status of a table.


pglogical.show_subscription_table (
    subscription_name name,
    relation regclass


  • subscription_name - name of the existing subscription
  • relation - name of existing table, optionally qualified


Shows clock drift between provider and subscriber.

On the subscriber at apply time, we track the commit timestamp received from the provider and the current local timestamp. When the above function is invoked, we generate a diff (interval) of these values. A negative value will indicate clock drift.

pglogical.show_subscription_clock_drift (subscription_name name)


  • subscription_name - optional name of the existing subscription; when no name is provided, the function will show clock drift information for all subscriptions on the local node


Adds one replication set into a subscriber. Does not synchronize, only activates consumption of events.


pglogical.alter_subscription_add_replication_set (
    subscription_name name,
    replication_set name


  • subscription_name - name of the existing subscription
  • replication_set - name of replication set to add


Removes one replication set from a subscriber.


 pglogical.alter_subscription_remove_replication_set (
    subscription_name name,
    replication_set name


  • subscription_name - name of the existing subscription
  • replication_set - name of replication set to remove


Wait on the subscriber side until the named subscription is fully synchronized. The function waits for both the initial schema and data syncs (if any) and any currently outstanding individual table resyncs.

To ensure that this function sees and waits for pending resynchronizations triggered by provider-side replication set changes, make sure to pglogical.wait_slot_confirm_lsn(NULL, NULL) on the provider after any replication set changes.


    subscription_name name


  • subscription_name - name of the existing subscription to wait for


Same as pglogical.wait_for_subscription_sync_complete, except that it waits for the subscription to be synced and for exactly one named table, which must exist on the downstream. You can use this variant to wait for a specific table resync to complete while ignoring other pending resyncs.


    subscription_name name,
    relid regclass


  • subscription_name - name of the existing subscription to wait for
  • relid - possibly schema-qualified relation name (cast to regclass if needed) for the relation to wait for sync completion of.

pglogical.wait_slot_confirm_lsn(name, pg_lsn)

On a pglogical provider, wait for the specified replication slot(s) to pass all the requested WAL position.

Note that to wait for a subscriber this function should be called on the provider, not the subscriber.

Waits for one specified slot if named explicitly, or all logical slots that use the pglogical output plugin if the slot name is null.

If no position is supplied the current WAL write position on the Pg instance this function is called on is used.

No timeout is offered, use a statement_timeout.

This function can only wait for physical slots and for logical slots with output plugins other than 'pglogical' if specified as a single named slot argument.

For physical slots the LSN waited for is the restart_lsn, because physical slots don't have the same two-phase advance as logical slots and they have a NULL confirmed_flush_lsn. Because physical standbys guarantee durability (flush) before visibility (replay), if you want to ensure transactions are actually visible you should call pglogical.standby_wait_replay_upstream_lsn on the standby instead.

Waiting with default (null) position can cause delays on idle systems because the slot position may not advance until the next standby status update if there are no further txns to replay. If you can ensure there will be are no concurrent transactions you can instead capture pg_current_wal_insert_lsn() after the writes you are interested in but before you commit the transaction, then wait for that. Ideally commit would report the commit lsn, and you could wait for that, but Pg doesn't do that yet. Doing this may lead to waits ending prematurely if there are concurrent txns, so only do it on test harness setups that do only one thing at a time.


  SELECT pglogical.wait_slot_confirm_lsn(
    slotname name,
    target_lsn pg_lsn

Typically it's sufficient to use:

SELECT pglogical.wait_slot_confirm_lsn(NULL, NULL);

to wait until all pglogical (and bdr3) subscriber replication slots' confirmed_flush_lsns have confirmed a successful flush to disk of all WAL that was written on the provider as of the start of the pglogical.wait_slot_confirm_lsn call.


  • slotname - name of the replication slot to wait for, or NULL for all pglogical slots
  • target_lsn - xlog position to wait for slots to confirm, or NULL for current xlog insert location.


On a physical streaming replica (hot standby), wait for the standby to replay WAL from the upstream up to or past the specified lsn before returning.

Does not support an explicit timeout. Use a statement_timeout.

ERRORs if called on a non-standby, or when a standby is promoted while waiting.

Use this where you need to guarantee that changes are replayed and visible on a replica, not just safe on disk. The sender-side function pglogical.wait_slot_confirm_lsn() only ensures durability, not visibility, when applied to physical replicas, because there's no guarantee the flushed WAL is replayed and commits become visible before the flush position is reported to the upstream.

This is effectively a convenience function for a loop over pg_last_wal_replay_lsn() for use in testing.


Because logical replication can replicate across versions, doesn't replicate global changes like roles, and can replicate selectively, sometimes the logical replication apply process can encounter an error and stop applying changes.

Wherever possible such problems should be fixed by making changes to the subscriber side. CREATEing any missing table that's blocking replication, CREATE a needed role, GRANT a necessary permission, etc. But occasionally a problem can't be fixed that way and it may be necessary to skip entirely over a transaction.

There's no support in pglogical for skipping over only parts of a transaction, i.e. subscriber-side filtering. Changes are skipped as entire transactions, all or nothing. To decide where to skip to, use log output to find the commit LSN, per the example below, or peek the change stream with the logical decoding functions.

Unless a transaction only made one change, it's often necessary to manually apply the transaction's effects on the downstream side, so it's important to save the problem transaction whenever possible. See the example below.

It's possible to skip over changes without pglogical.alter_subscription_skip_changes_upto by using pg_catalog.pg_logical_slot_get_binary_changes to skip to the LSN of interest, so this is really a convenience function. It does do a faster skip; however, it may bypass some kinds of errors in logical decoding.

This function only works on disabled subscriptions.

The usual sequence of steps is:

  • identify the problem subscription and LSN of the problem commit
  • disable the subscription
  • save a copy of the transaction(s) using pg_catalog.pg_logical_slot_peek_changes on the provider (if possible)
  • pglogical.alter_subscription_skip_changes_upto on the subscriber
  • apply repaired or equivalent changes on the subscriber manually if necessary
  • re-enable the subscription

WARNING: It's easy to make problems worse when using this function. Don't do anything unless you're really, really sure it's the only option.


    subname text,
    skip_upto_and_including pg_lsn


Apply of a transaction is failing with an ERROR, and you've determined that lower-impact fixes such as changes to the subscriber side will not resolve this issue. You determine that you must skip the transaction.

In the error logs, find the commit record LSN to skip to, as in this artificial example:

  ERROR:  55000: pglogical target relation "public.break_me" does not exist
  CONTEXT:  during apply of INSERT in commit before 0/1B28848, xid 670 committed
                                                    this LSN
  at 2018-07-03 14:28:48.58659+08 (action #2) from node replorigin 1

and if needed use the pglogical.subscriptions view to map the origin back to a subscription name, e.g.:

SELECT subscription_name, slot_name
FROM pglogical.subscriptions s
WHERE replication_origin_id = 1

Next, disable the subscription so the apply worker doesn't try to connect to the replication slot:

SELECT pglogical.alter_subscription_disable('the_subscription');

Note that you cannot skip only parts of the transaction, it's all or nothing. So it's strongly recommended that you save a record of it by COPYing it out on the provider side first, using the subscription's slot name (as obtained above).

  \copy (SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_logical_slot_peek_changes('the_slot_name',
      'the_target_lsn', NULL, 'min_proto_version', '1', 'max_proto_version', '1',
      'startup_params_format', '1', 'proto_format', 'json')
   TO 'transaction_to_drop.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv);

(Note that the example is broken into multiple lines for readability, but it should be issued in a single line because \copy does not support multi-line commands)

Now you can skip the change by changing "peek" to "get" above, but pglogical.skip_changes_upto does a faster skip that avoids decoding and outputting all the data:

SELECT pglogical.alter_subscription_skip_changes_upto('subscription_name',

If necessary or desired, apply the same changes (or repaired versions of them) manually to the subscriber, using the dumped transaction contents as a guide.

Finally, re-enable the subscription:

SELECT pglogical.alter_subscription_enable('the_subscription');


Change the writer options first addressed when writer_name and writer_options are clarified with pglogical.create_subscription.


  subscription_name name,
  writer_name name,
  writer_options text[] = '{}'



Find the subscription you want to alter and use that as the subscription_name and possibly the writer_name if chosen (shown first). Then the DML with the writer_options text array.

SELECT pglogical.alter_subscription_writer_options(sub_name, sub_name, '{}') FROM pglogical.subscription;

Grant all writer options to writer_name super; array has to be an even number of elements.

SELECT pglogical.alter_subscription_writer_options(sub_name, 'super', '{UPDATE,INSERT,DELETE,''}') FROM pglogical.subscription;


Change the conflict resolver of given conflict type for the given subscription.


	sub_name text,
	conflict_type text,
	conflict_resolver text


  • sub_name - name of subscription to change
  • conflict_type - type of conflict to configure (see bellow)
  • conflict_resolver - which resolver to use for the given conflict type (see bellow)

Conflict type can be one of:

  • insert_exists - the row being inserted exists locally

  • update_missing - the row being updated does not exist locally

  • delete_missing - the row being deleted does not exist locally

  • update_origin_change - the row being updated was updated on a different origin

  • target_table_missing - the table corresponding to the change does not exist locally

  • target_column_missing - the column being updated or inserted to does not exist locally

  • source_column_missing - a column that exists locally is not available in the updated or inserted row replicated

  • delete_recently_updated - the row being deleted was updated locally recently

  • update_pkey_exists - the updated primary key exists locally

  • apply_error - an error occured while applying the change locally

  • apply_error_trigger - an error occured while firing a trigger locally after applying the change

  • apply_error_ddl - an error occured during applying a DDL that was replicated

  • apply_error_dml - an error occured while applying a DML that was

    Note that apply_error, apply_error_trigger, apply_error_ddl and apply_error_dml are never raised right now. They may be used in future.

Conflict resolver can be one of:

  • error - the replication will stop on error if conflict is detected; manual action is then required for resolution.
  • skip - keep the local version of the data and ignore the conflicting change that is coming from the remote node. This is same as keep_local which is now deprecated.
  • update - always apply the upstream change that's conflicting with local data. This is same as apply_remote, which is now deprecated.
  • update_if_newer - the version of data with the newest commit timestamp will be kept (this can be either the local or the remote version). This is same as last_update_wins which is now deprecated.
  • update_if_older - the version of the data with the oldest timestamp will be kept (this can be either the local or the remote version). This is same as first_update_wins which is now deprecated.
  • insert_or_skip - if the row being updated is missing and the downstream can verify that the updated row was none of the ones that exist the new row will be inserted. Otherwise the change will be skipped.
  • insert_or_error - if the row being updated is missing and the downstream can verify that the updated row was none of the ones that exist the new row will be inserted. Otherwise the replication will stop on error.
  • ignore - if the updated or inserted column is missing, it will be ignored while applying the upstream change
  • ignore_or_error - if the updated or inserted column is missing, it will be ignored if it the new value is NULL. Otherwise replication will stop on error
  • use_default_value - if a column is present locally but is not available on the source, a default value will be used for that column.

The available settings and defaults depend on the version of PostgreSQL and other settings.

The skip, update_if_newer and first_update_wins settings require the track_commit_timestamp PostgreSQL setting to be enabled. Those can not be used with PostgreSQL 9.4 as track_commit_timestamp is not available in there.

Some conflict resolvers can not be used with some conflict types e.g. resolver update_if_newer can not be used with conflict type target_table_missing. error is the only resolved available to handle conflict types apply_error, apply_error_trigger, apply_error_ddl, or apply_error_dml. The function throws an error when an incompatible resolver is used.


Find the subscription you want to change the conflict resolver for and use that as the sub_name.

SELECT pglogical.alter_subscription_set_conflict_resolver(`sub_name`, 'insert_exists', 'update_if_newer')

Changes the conflict resolver of conflict type insert_exists for subscription sub_name to update_if_newer. If the row specified by INSERT change on subscription sub_name already exists locally, out of the two rows, the one with the newest commit will be kept.

Listing Conflict Resolution Configurations

The catalog pglogical.sub_cfl_res show non-default conflict resolution configuration settings for each subscription.


Add conflict logging configuration for a subscription.

This can primarily be used to log conflicts into the pglogical.apply_log table.


    sub_name text,
    log_name text,
    log_to_file bool DEFAULT true,
    log_to_table regclass DEFAULT NULL,
    conflict_type text[] DEFAULT NULL,
    conflict_resolution text[] DEFAULT NULL

Listing Conflict Logging Configurations

The catalog pglogical.sub_log shows all the logging configurations. It lists the name of the logging configuration, where it logs and which conflicts type and resolution it logs.


  • sub_name - name of the subscription that is being changed
  • log_name - name of the logging configuration
  • log_to_file - whether to log to the server log file
  • log_to_table - whether to log to a table, and which table should be the target; NULL (the default) means do not log to a table
  • conflict_type - which conflict types to log; NULL (the default) means all
  • conflict_resolution - which conflict resolutions to log; NULL (the default) means all


Remove existing conflict logging configuration for a subscription.


    sub_name text,
    log_name text


  • node_name - name of the subscription that is being changed
  • log_name - name of the logging configuration to be removed