show-camo v4

Shows BDR CAMO (Commit at Most Once) details.


Shows BDR CAMO (Commit at Most Once) details such as the name of the CAMO partner, connection and readiness status, any pending and unresolved CAMO transactions, and differences between apply_lsn and receive_lsn. This command is available only for EDB Postgres Extended Server and EDB Postgres Advanced Server (v14 and later).

pgd show-camo [flags]


  Example 1 (3 node cluster, bdr-a1 and bdr-b1 are CAMO partner but bdr-b1 is down)

  $ pgd show-camo

  Node   CAMO Partner Connected Ready Transactions Resolved Apply LSN  Receive LSN Apply Queue Size
  ----   ------------ --------- ----- --------------------- ---------  ----------- ----------------
  bdr-a1 bdr-b1       false     false true                  0/E42C99B0 0/E42C99B0  0

  Example 2 (3 node cluster, bdr-b1 was down and it has just been restarted)

  $ pgd show-camo

  Node   CAMO Partner Connected Ready Transactions Resolved Apply LSN  Receive LSN Apply Queue Size
  ----   ------------ --------- ----- --------------------- ---------  ----------- ----------------
  bdr-a1 bdr-b1       true      true  true                  0/E533DAB8 0/E533DAB8  0
  bdr-b1 bdr-a1       true      false true                  3/7AE81A28 3/7AE81A28  0

  Example 3 (3 node cluster, all nodes are up and in 'streaming' state)

  $ pgd show-camo

  Node   CAMO Partner Connected Ready Transactions Resolved Apply LSN  Receive LSN Apply Queue Size
  ----   ------------ --------- ----- --------------------- ---------  ----------- ----------------
  bdr-a1 bdr-b1       true      true  true                  0/E56AE520 0/E56AE520  0
  bdr-b1 bdr-a1       true      true  true                  3/7B180BA8 3/7B180BA8  0


  -h, --help   help for show-camo

Options inherited from parent commands

  -f, --config-file string   config file; ignored if 
                             --dsn flag is present (default "/etc/edb/pgd-config.yml")
      --dsn string           database connection string
                             e.g."host=bdr-a1 port=5432 dbname=bdrdb user=postgres "
  -L, --log-level string     logging level: debug, info, warn, error (default "error")
  -o, --output string        output format: json, yaml