create-proxy v5

Creates proxy in the EDB Postgres Distributed cluster.


Creates proxy in the EDB Postgres Distributed cluster and attaches it to the given group. The proxy name must be unique across the cluster and match with the name given in the corresponding proxy config file.

pgd create-proxy [flags]


  Example 1 (attach new proxy called proxy-a1 to group bdrgroup)

  $ pgd create-proxy --proxy-name proxy-a1 --group-name bdrgroup
  proxy created successfully


      --group-name string   group name
  -h, --help                help for create-proxy
      --proxy-name string   proxy name

Options inherited from parent commands

  -f, --config-file string   config file; ignored if 
                             --dsn flag is present (default "/etc/edb/pgd-cli/pgd-cli-config.yml")
      --dsn string           database connection string
                             e.g."host=bdr-a1 port=5432 dbname=bdrdb user=postgres "
  -L, --log-level string     logging level: debug, info, warn, error (default "error")
  -o, --output string        output format: json, yaml