Connecting a client to EDB Pgpool-II v4

Connect client applications directly to the EDB Pgpool-II listener port on the EDB Pgpool-II host. For example, to connect to the edb database (while using EDB Pgpool-II), enter:

psql -d edb -U enterprisedb -h localhost -p 9999

When invoked at the psql prompt, the following SHOW command keywords display EDB Pgpool-II information:

CommandInformation provided
SHOW pool_statusDisplays EDB Pgpool-II configuration parameters and their name, value, and description
SHOW pool_nodesDisplays a list of all configured nodes
SHOW pool_processesDisplays a list of all EDB Pgpool-II processes waiting for connections or dealing with a connection
SHOW pool_poolsDisplays a list of pools
SHOW pool_versionDisplays the EDB Pgpool-II release number
PGPOOL SHOWDisplays the configuration parameter value
PGPOOL SETChanges a configuration parameter
PGPOOL RESETRestores the configuration parameter to the default value
SHOW POOL_CACHEDisplays cache storage statistics
SHOW POOL_HEALTH_CHECK_STATSDisplays health check statistics
SHOW POOL_BACKEND_STATSDisplays backend SQL command statistics

To view more information about SHOW command options, see the Pgpool project site.


SHOW POOL_HEALTH_CHECK_STATS and SHOW POOL_BACKEND_STATS commands are available from EDB Pgpool version 4.2 onwards.